St. Thomas Aquinas

St. Thomas Aquinas - Mt. Pulaski, IL

The parish of St. Thomas Aquinas is a rural parish located in Mt. Pulaski.  St. Thomas Aquinas is unique in that it brings together members of the Catholic faith from the communities of Latham, Chestnut, Cornland, Lake Fork and Mt. Pulaski to worship as one faith community.  The parish was founded more than 150 years ago.  The original church building was destroyed by rail car explosion and a new one built in 1961.  Our parishioners from the communities listed above made substantial pledges so that the new church could be built to keep our faith community intact.  Below is a poem written by parishioner Bob McCue to commemorate the 150th Anniversary of St. Thomas Aquinas:

Before we had a building                             
The Church was in our hearts                    
The Whole His Sacred Body                      
And we its many parts

The faithful gathered gladly                        
To hear His Holy Word,                           
When a traveling priest came our way     
We met wherever we could.

We purchased St. John’s Lutheran Church 
When they could build a new,                   
And we became a mission                       
Each family bought a pew.

A blast destroyed that building                 
But couldn’t shake our faith,                     
We built a new St. Thomas                       
Where we celebrate today.

We’ve baptized newborns here               
and seen our children wed,                       
We’ve held our Confirmations                  
And funerals for our dead.

We love our lovely building                        
But it’s more than a thing of Earth,         
More precious still, our faith within            
it has eternal worth.

And we praise Him for His Glory                
And now, before we part,                         
Let’s ask the Lord to keep His Church      
Secure within our heart.