Teens Encounter Christ

Teens Encounter Christ (TEC) is a thought-provoking and fun-filled spiritual weekend sponsored by the Catholic Diocese of Peoria. It is open to young people age 16 through 22 of all Christian faiths and denominations. Each weekend begins Saturday morning and ends Monday evening.

At TEC you will learn that you are not alone. A TEC weekend welcomes you into a loving and supportive faith community.

During a TEC weekend, participants work together in small groups to discover and reflect on their relationship with others, with Christ, and with their faith. Meditations on Faith, Prayer, Reconciliation, Eucharist, Discipleship and Love are presented by teens and adult team members and help candidates to truly experience the Paschal Mystery (Death/Resurrection/Ascension) of Christ.

TEC meets each individual where they are in their faith walk and offers a challenge to take charge of your life and encounter Christ's presence in it.

Click here for more information on TEC in the Catholic Diocese of Peoria