Active Catholic Teens (ACT)

By the time our Logan County Catholic Community teens get to high school, most of them have had as many as eleven years of formal Catholic catechesis.  Active Catholic Teens, also known as ACT, is a program that helps teens learn to apply the Catholic faith they've learned about to their daily lives and to grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus Christ.  Our secular-leaning world is constantly challenging, and even attacking, the morals and values that we identify as Christian.  With this program, we hope to support our local teens in living out their faith and in developing into strong Christian leaders of the future.  Our program is specifically designed for teens entering their Freshman year of High School though their Senior year of High School, and Confirmed Eighth Grade Students.  For more information, email us at, or contact our Catholic Community main office (at 217-732-4019) for a call back from one of our volunteers.  You can also check out our Facebook page at

We realize that teens have hectic schedules and many demands pulling them in different directions, so we have an open attendance policy.  Teens can join any time throughout the year and attend whichever meetings and outings they can.  Just bring your registration forms to the first meeting or outing you attend.

All ACT participants are required to have several forms on file.  Please complete the ACT Registration/Liability/Permission/Code of Conduct form and the Religious Education Medical Information form (links to the right).  Certain field trips will require additional forms and/or waivers.  We will post additional forms, as necessary, throughout the school year.  In addition, friends and family of members are welcome to join us in many of our outings each year.  We have posted Guest registration forms here as well.

Regular meetings are held on Sunday evenings, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm, at Carroll Catholic School (a snack will be served each evening).  Please see our school year calendar (link to the right).  You can also call or email us to request a schedule or forms be mailed to you.

There is no registration fee to join ACT, but we do ask for parent volunteers to provide snacks for our meetings.  We usually have between 5 and 10 attendees each week.  Snacks can be brought in at the beginning of our meetings.

Mark your calendars for these special events (for more information, see our calendar):  

Sunday, October 10, 2019:  Annual Paintball Outing.  Meet at the Carroll Catholic School parking lot at 11:30 am.  Registration Forms, Medical Forms, and Sudden Impact Waivers will be required before we leave town (please note a parent or guardian must sign a minor's waiver and forms).  We will drive together to Sudden Impact Paintball Games in Funk's Grove.  Cost is $35 per player, for equipment rental plus one bag of paintballs.  Additional paintballs can be purchased for $20 per bag.  We will play until closing time, at 3 pm, and then return the the Carroll Catholic School parking lot (between 3:30 and 4 pm).  Friends and family members are invited to attend, but each must have all forms and waivers signed.  Lunch will be provided--please RSVP to Kristen Lanning at 217-314-9655 (call or text) by Noon on Saturday, October 19th or bring your own lunch.

November 2019 Outing:  Rock climbing at Upper Limits in Bloomington.  Day and time TBD.

December 2019 Outing:  Preparing & delivering Christmas fruit baskets to the sick and homebound of our community.  Day and time TBD.

January 2020 Event:  Lock-In.  Days and times TBD.

February 2020 Outing:  Peoria Rivermen hockey game.  Day and time TBD.

March 2020 Outing:  Volunteering at St. John's Breadline.  Day and time TBD.

Friday, April 10, 2020 (Good Friday):  Perform Shadow Stations of the Cross at 3 pm at Holy Family Church.  Set up and practice day and time TBD.

Friday, July 10, 2020 through Sunday, July 12, 2020 or Friday, July 17, 2020 through Sunday, July 19, 2020:  Steubenville Youth Conference 2020, Steubenville STL in Springfield, Missouri:  RESTORED:  Psalm 80:3.  See the teaser trailer from the 2019 conference here.  This conference is open to all teens entering their freshman year of high school in the fall of 2020 through seniors graduating in May of 2020.  We can also take a few young adults (those between ages 18 and 21, who graduated from high school in 2019 or earlier), and chaperones (those ages 21 and up).  Registration opens in early February, 2020, so mark your calendar and contact us by the end of January, 2020 to reserve your spot!

We hold our annual fundraiser in the spring of each year to help cover the cost of attending the Steubenville Youth Conference, however donations are accepted at any time.  To make a donation to our program, please make a check payable to Holy Family Parish and write ACT on the memo line of your check and on the envelope.  You can drop donations in the weekly collection basket at any of our Logan County Catholic Masses, mail them to the parish office, or drop them in the mail slot at the parish office.

We also encourage teens to download the myParish App to view shorts from ODB Films.  A new 5-minute video comes out each Sunday with practical tips to help today's teens live a life of meaning and purpose.  For more information, go to

Click here to see videos and highlights from prior years' Steubenville Youth Conferences held in Springfield, Missouri (our favorite place to attend). 

Click on the albums below to see slide shows from the 2014, 2015, 2016, & 2017 Steubenville trips that were made possible by your gifts to our teen youth group program, ACT: